The Qadri Razvi Centre is a facility operated by the Sunni Razvi Society International (Durban-South Africa) a registered trust in 1992. A brief history can be read here
We are located in the heart of the Chatsworth business district which places us in a strategic advantage to house a beautiful and glorious Islamic community centre for Muslims.
The Centre seeks to propogate Islam and as taught to us by our illustrious and illuminated spiritual patrons, particularly Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani () and Ala Hazrat, Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan ()
The Centre currently houses our Jamaat Khana which hosts all our religious and spiritual activities ,
- Daily Salah
- Jumma Salah
- Auspicious nights
- Monthly Egyarwee Shareef and esaale thawab
- Weekly dhikr gatherings
- Tarawi
- Dawah
- Eid salah
- Milad un nabi
- Urs
- Educational projects (Islamic and secular)
The Qadri Razvi Centre engages in community upliftment projects to assist the poor and needy. Have have run Projects like
- Computer Literacy
- Sewing lessons on industrial sewing machines
- Pastel Accounting
Our courses are open to all members of the community and are aimed at providing a useful skill to assist in preparing people for gainful employment